Jenny Wickham
Sports Coordinator and Teacher of PDHPE
The NSW All Schools Triathlon was held over two days at the Sydney International Regatta Centre at Penrith. The individual event was held on Wednesday 26 February. Stella had two students compete in the junior race: Charli S and Cate W. The junior individual race consisted of a 300m swim, 10km cycle and 2km run. Charli and Cate both performed very well, finishing in the top 50 of a big field. Well done!
Stella had nine teams competing at the teams event on Thursday 27 February. It was a hot and humid day, but the Stella teams still performed extremely well!
A huge congratulations to two of our junior teams who won the silver and the bronze medal of the NSWCCC category! This is a huge achievement as there are a large number of teams from all over NSW at the triathlon. All of the Stella teams had a fantastic day. They enjoyed participating in this challenging event, and achieved excellent results! Special mention to Lily L who finished 2nd overall in the junior swim and to Amelia M and Sarah C who recorded the fastest and second fastest run times of the day.
Well done to our medallists:
There are a number of NSWCCC sport selection trials coming up in the next couple of months. These include:
These selections are appropriate for students who have a high level of representative experience. The trial is for selection for a state level team, so only students who are currently playing at a very high level should consider attending. The trials are set age groups (often open and U16) so not all students will be eligible to trial. If you are unsure if your child should register to trial, please email and I can provide guidance.
Students who wish to trial for NSWCCC teams will need to get their parents to register on the NSWCCC website. Each sport trial has a registration closing date which is often up to a month prior to the trial. All information and registration details can be found on the NSWCCC site:
There are a number of sport carnivals and events coming up in the next few weeks.
Good luck to the students who are representing Stella at the :
Stella will be participating in the Bill Turner Trophy Competition again this year. Selections will be held in the coming week for a squad to play in this knock out competition. Students aged 15 and under who play at a high level are invited to trial. Information has been emailed to students.
Stella has entered the Mollie Dive Hockey Competition again this year. Games are held on Monday or Wednesday afternoons/evenings in term 2. Information has been emailed to students to register interest.
The Stella Cross Country carnival will take place on Tuesday 1 April. The carnival will be held at Queenscliff lagoon and along Manly Beachfront. The distances for the races are:
Please note that the 18 year age group will run 6km at the interschool carnivals.
Students have been emailed the link to sign up for the carnival.
All students are invited to attend cross country trainings which is held on Wednesday morning at 7.15am (meeting at the Scholastica gate).
This term, 11 eager Year 7 students have embarked on an exciting new adventure - the Stella Sailing Program. Over the course of eight Wednesday afternoon sessions, the girls are developing sailing skills while making lasting friendships on the water.
The program takes place from 4.15 to 6.30pm with students sailing Melges sports boats. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, the girls are learning to read the wind as they take turns at helming, working the main sheet, and trimming the jib.
Our students’ laughter and words of encouragement to each other can be heard across Middle Harbour as they navigate their boats from the Spit Bridge, past Balmoral Beach and towards Manly. They are embracing the opportunity to learn new skills with great enthusiasm and are making the most of every moment on the water! Well done, girls!
The Stella swimming carnival was held on Friday 28 February at Manly ‘Andrew Boy Charlton’ Aquatic Centre. It was a wonderful day to spend the last day of summer. The sun was shining and Stella spirit was on show all day!
The swimming performances in the pool were amazing. We had fast and very close championship races. The participation in the non-championship events was outstanding, with all students keen to get in and swim in lots of events. Year 12 had lots of fun enjoying the inflatable relay and were enthusiastic in leading the cheering all day. It was great to see so many amazing ‘animal’ outfits!
Highlights of the day included the closest ever Champion of Champions race, the house relay and the teacher vs Year 12 relay.
Congratulations to all of the students on their outstanding participation. It was so great to see such fantastic house spirit, amazing cheering and excellent swimming all day. A big thank you to the staff who worked hard in the heat. Well done to the Year 12s and the House Captains who led the school so well to make it such a great carnival.
Congratulations to our award winners on the day:
Cheering Award: Shinnick
Best Dressed Award: Georgia M
Champion of Champions: Jess O
Age Champions
12 years: Chloe W
13 years: Alice W
14 years: Charlie C
15 years: Freya C
16 years: Jess O
17+ years: Zara D
Champion House
1st: EGAN
2nd: Wood
3rd: Chisholm
4th: Smith
5th: Shinnick
6th: MacKillop
7th: Bashir
8th: Noonuccall